
LD Ports & Logistics can evaluate risk of congestion and demurrage at the terminal simulating ocean-going vessels arrivals and integrating the laycan schedule and the shipping plan.

In the early stages of the project, we conceptualize maritime logistics solutions and bring a comprehensive analysis of productivity, annual throughput and risk. The engineering and professional capabilities of our team ensure efficient and cost effective analysis & advisory services on maritime challenges. Our barging and transhipment solutions are perfectly adapted to the constraints of each project and are able to secure the targeted objectives through cost effective solutions.

Through strong strategic alliances with the top university for science and research in Paris, LDPL developed a large range of critical innovations such as BATOS, barging and the transhipment optimization software. Our access to first class information from up-to-date sources in France enables us to develop innovations and respond to your business priorities.

For barging project, LDPL brings barge optimized loading schemes into focus. They aim at loading barges with optimum cargo quantities and following the appropriate loading sequence so that a safe under keel clearance can be maintained at any moment of the tide, while maximizing the cargo intake. The benefit of loading more when possible is to increase the export capacity while reducing the fuel consumption. Moreover, by limiting the number of rotations and time spent for maneuvers, it increases the transhipment rate which generates cost-savings on the long haul ocean freight.

Our analyses are well thought out, calculated and documented to offer well planned, budgeted and mitigated risk solutions. LDPL can evaluate risk of congestion and demurrage at the terminal simulating ocean-going vessels arrivals to integrate the laycan schedule and the shipping plan.

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