Operation and Maintenace

LD Ports & Logistics project management team is always mobilized on shore to ensure the coordination of the operational facilities with other production units.

160-years of vessel operation experience

It is in the operational capabilities of LD Ports & Logistics that we demonstrate the adequacy of the solutions we designed and leveraged our 160-years experience as vessel operators. Our ability to reliably and efficiently manage local operations, including barging and transshipment vessels, is the key to the success we share with our clients.

Health, safety, environmental and quality compliance with a mobilized onshore team

We pay special attention to operate our projects in compliance with the most stringent international safety and quality standard, maritime codes and flag regulations. A project management team is always mobilized on shore to ensure the coordination of the operational facilities with other production units. This gives us the flexibility and ability to make decisions on site and keep maintenance operations our top priority, so as to ensure operations can be lead in an efficient, safe and reliable way.

Operation Management Software

To further optimize the barging, transshipment and export operations, we have developed dedicated operation management software for organizing, monitoring, enhancing the whole transshipment process in real time and optimizing the interaction between transshipment and shipping operations. The shipping plan can make a provision to position ocean-going vessels laycans when operational conditions such as tides, waves, wind are favorable, so as to maximize the probability of having an OGV arriving at the best moment possible.

LDPL has a dedicated and mobilized team with vast knowledge and expertise for the preliminary technical preparation and the construction process to monitor productions, lead tests and sea trials.

How can we help you?

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